Utilizing vacant land remaining from the I-95 corridor designed in the 1970's, P-3 Partners in collaboration with Cambridge Seven Architects, Halvorson Design and Bohler Engineering have begun designs for Tremont Crossing, "a city within a city." This vacant land at the geographical center of Boston is set to hold something for everyone and will include office space, a hotel, a grocery store, a movie theater, retail/restaurant spaces and residential apartments. What sets Tremont Crossing apart is its cultural component and connection to the community. This connection is being made possible by Elma Lewis Partners and will include 31,000 square feet of museum space with provisions for educational teaching for the arts, performance and screening space, and opportunities for artistic exhibitions.
Working with Cambridge Seven Architects, Halvorson Design has been engaged to create a vibrant pedestrian experience that will energize the neighborhood and unify it with the surrounding educational institutions. Halvorson Design’s role includes the design and activation of a public plaza that flows into the newly created Market Street
I-95 was supposed to go through the property P-3 Partners is looking to transform into what they call "Tremont Crossing."